Closet: Storing off season items {part 1}

Ok, so, I have to admit that I clean out my entire closet every spring and every, the before {seen here} is not too bad.  If your needs a little more help than mine, just stick with it, and, come fall, it will be much easier to tidy up!

Before I actually got started on the closet, I decided to make a tentative plan and purchase some storage containers.  I have been storing my off season clothes in flat bins under my guest bedroom bed for many years {this started because I lived in apartments and it was the only option}, but ideally I would like to get rid of these bins.

After researching several sites, I found The Container Store had a spring cleaning sale going on and decided to buy these grey storage bags to store my off season clothes in the top of my closet.  I took measurements and decided on 3 of the extra-large bags.

**Make sure to measure the area where the bags will go and try to fill that area!**

The Container Store

I love that these bags have labels and are open on 3 sides so you can easily add to or remove things you may need throughout the year.

In addition to my main closet, in my bathroom, I have a smaller closet in my bedroom, that I have not been utilizing completely.  I decided to transfer some items that were jammed into the larger closet, to the smaller closet.  One of which was a hanging shelf organizer that I purchased from Wal-mart last year.  It really saves a lot of money if you try to utilize the items you have as much as possible.  Click here to find one that is similar to mine.

Lastly, I needed to store off season shoes so that those in my closet all had a designated spot.  I decided to buy these "under the bed" shoe organizers to go inside a built in bench that I have in my bathroom {another area that has not been used for much of anything}.  Get Organized had a great price on these, and I bought 2.
Get Organized
{Check for coupon codes online-I found %15 off with: GETORGNZ)

Last year, as a wedding gift, Carey had a closet built for me! When we did this, we had the builder add molding on one wall to hold shoes.  This was an idea that I found on Pinterest, and it is a relatively easy DIY project.  It is very important to have a place to store shoes in a visible place because everything stays a lot more tidy if we keep items off of horizontal services {the floor}.

My inspiration:

Mine{before tidying}:

I would love add more molding and "store" off season shoes up high in the future {the ceiling in my closet is 10 feet high!}, but, for now, I am going to pack the off season shoes away.

***TIPS to get STARTED***
1. Measure your areas
2. Take note of items that are often out of place or do not have a place
3. Make a plan that works for your budget and items
4. Keep horizontal service clear {floor of the closet, tabletops}
5. Store seasonal items out of sight, in areas that cannot be accessed as easily {reserve highly accessible areas for items that are needed more often}

Stay tuned for PART 2, the finished product!  Happy organizing :)


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